Telescope Accessories Telescopes

Choosing Your Telescope: Manual vs Celestron StarSense Explorer vs Computerised Dobsonians

Dobsonian telescopes have long been popular with amateur astronomers for their large apertures, simple designs and affordability. Over the years, advancements in technology have given rise to new variations of the Dobsonian telescope, making the hobby of stargazing even more accessible and enjoyable. In this blog, I will compare three types of Dobsonian telescopes: the […]

Astronomy Guides

Should I Get A Telescope? (+ Pics of the Griffith Observatory, US)

You can’t predict how much you will like astronomy. This is a very common dilemma for our customers who are unsure about whether they should buy the more expensive scope, the cheaper option or to even get a telescope at all. Some people feel reluctant to purchase a telescope because they fear themselves or their kids may […]


Choosing Telescopes for Kids

Been thinking about the types of telescopes suitable for little children. The more I think about it, the lesser sense it makes to try and classify telescopes in that way. Obviously, all telescopes come with a varying set of technical specifications. However these specification sets are not correlated to the user’s age. Specifications should correlate […]